Cycling as a new passion of Taťána Kuchařová

One does not choose a passion for cycling, it chooses you. It seeks someone out, absorbs them and then it is hard to get out of it. One of the victims of such passion for cycling was Miss World 2006 Taťána Kuchařová. In the spring she sat on a road bike for the first time and immediately got carried away by the magic of cycling. It is inspiring to listen to the enthusiasm with which this budding cyclist, who has big goals for the sport, speaks.
It all started with one innocent ride, which, thanks to willing friends, turned into something more than Taťána could have imagined. "I started riding in March when my friends, who inspire me and help me with everything, encouraged me to do it," recalls the sought-after Czech supermodel and influencer. "I've always loved cycling, but we never had a road bike. I've never been sporty."
Taťána was looking for a new sport that would not only improve her physical condition, but also provide her with mental relaxation. "The bike suits me perfectly, one concentrates on breathing, stomping on the pedals, and at the same time riding serves as a kind of psychological valve. It's a great relaxation for me. I like the fact that it's both a collective and individual sport. I can ride in a group with friends or go out on my bike by myself. I also get to know old familiar places in a different way. For example, I've been to Mallorca countless times for work, several times on holiday and now I've come to know it as a sports mecca. I'm absolutely thrilled."
However, cycling is not just about keeping fit and in good mental condition. Sooner or later a worm appears in your head that starts urging you to race. "I don't know yet. I'm a healthy competitor and I'd like to try some races, but it takes time," she smiles.
In 2008, Taťána initiated the establishment of the ‘Beauty Of Help Foundation’, which has long been focused on helping the elderly. Her thinking about cycling is therefore going in a slightly different direction than her racing ambitions. "The bike connects. I find that cycling is great for all generations. I would like to promote cycling in that sense and connect it in rides for the whole family. I want to organise rides together and promote cycling as part of connecting the generations. I think cycling is suitable for every age group. Not everyone can run, but almost anyone can get on a bicycle or an electric bike if they have some bike handling skills and a desire to do so," the Czech supermodel observes.
Since 2017, Taťána has been an ambassador of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and actively participates in their promotion and implementation. Therefore, she also focuses her attention on the bicycle as a means of transport. "It would be fantastic if more people rode bicycles, and big cities would get a little bit of relief in traffic. I would like to be involved in creating an awareness campaign in the context of road safety. That seems important to me."
However, before some of her planned projects come to fruition, Taťána will be gaining experience in a newly discovered sport. "Cycling has simply won me over with everything. I feel like a pilot. I enjoy the speed with which I ride on the road. I enjoy the physicality I have gained. But I still have a lot of training to do, I suffered a lot the first three days on holiday in Livigno," she recalls.
The enthusiasm of this Czech influencer is also evidenced by the fact that, in addition to acquiring basic cycling equipment, she is also quickly familiar with specific cycling lingo. "I don't have much confidence in downhills yet, I've even fallen off once at low speed, so I know how much it hurts. As the cyclists say: My front wheel got shot off," Taťána said with a smile. No scholar has fallen from the sky, so the novice cyclist is learning to fit into the world of cycling step by step. "People are always commenting on how bad I am on my bike. The thing is, I don't know how to slouch. It seems to me that all cyclists slouch on the bike, and I'm not good at it. Anyway, I need to work on my riding technique and fine-tune my bike seat," she plans.
With a slight dose of exaggeration, we asked Taťána whether appearance or functionality is more important in cycling clothing. With the same degree of exaggeration, she gave us an unequivocal answer. “Like any woman who wants to look good in any activity, I think fashion is also important in sport. Of course I follow the trends in cycling clothing. What I like about the Kalas range is that I can choose from such a wide range of colours. This is really useful," concludes Taťána.